About working with Todd
“Making the world a better place, one conversation at a time.”
Psychotherapy and Executive Coaching
The practise of psychotherapy is defined by the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) as engaging in the treatments of disorders of the mind. It is a definition they use for legal purposes however put more simply, psychotherapy is applying proven skills and modalities to help people learn to think in ways that bring them less stress, more happiness, and peace. Frankly, none of us has mastered the art of thinking, and when we are not intentional about HOW we think, our minds default to negative thoughts, that left unregulated, will wreak havoc in our lives. One may call this unconscious living.
Conscious living begins we learn to master how we think and make choices that bring us happiness, peace and success.

How does Executive Coaching benefit from integrated psychotherapy?
Traditional Executive Coaching, like all good coaching, is provided by coaches who have ‘been there, done that,’ and achieved success in the corporate management, executive, and C-Suite ranks. The cornerstone to their success is primarily in helping you develop best strategies and implement those strategies in a corporate environment.
Integrating the fundamentals of psychotherapy, that is understanding the psychology of how your mind and the minds of your colleagues work, brings a whole new level of possible change and success. Based on the science of psychology, this psycho-education integration helps you lean into and live into, new ways of being that can propel your management skills and success to new heights. Being able to integrate a heightened level of self-reflection and intentional way of being, allows you to step beyond your own barriers and challenges to become a formidable team player and leader.
Our time together will leave you with practical tools empowering you to live the life you choose.
Using practical tools and a pro-active and engaging process, I have consistently and repeatedly helped hundreds of people make the changes in their personal and professional lives they so dearly desire
Often what slows or prevent our growth and forward momentum is our evolutionary propensity to be careful and operate from a risk perspective. Being acutely aware of what may go wrong often precipitates worry/anxiety. Decades of work with anxiety lead my research to develop the Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP) – a way of ending panic attacks, managing anxiety/worry and freeing you to make changes with less stress and better results.

When we are done, you will be doing life big –life will not be doing you!
I created TheAnxiety.Clinic out of my firm belief that when given the skills, people can create outstanding and profound changes in their life, relationships and the world. I bring to our conversations decades of experience and a combined background in teaching, executive management and counselling.
My clinical training, combined with the stories and experiences of the changes I have shared with hundreds of clients are powerful resources to support you to achieve the changes and goals you desire.
For me, “Being a therapist and coach is not a job – it is a calling – it is a true desire to help others experience a stress-free life full of joy.”
My clients may be much like you – They are corporate executives and managers, entrepreneurs, students, actors, politicians, and often between careers or relationships. They are single and married, straight, gay and trans, young middle-aged and older. And all of them are successful in many ways, and they experience challenges in others.
Customized Corporate Training
TheAnxiety.Clinic provides programs, including Personality Resources unique ‘Identity Mapping,* that specialize in shifting the optics of both corporate cultures and individuals to launch new paths for transformational growth, dramatically impacting relationships, performance and bottom lines with outstanding positive results.The team at TheAnxiety.Clinic incorporates practical business experience with a unique holistic approach to enhance performance, improve relationships, and effect positive and productive changes. Our unique background allows us to apply sound ethical business based practices to assist individuals and organizations in discovering sustainable solutions and archive measurable results.
TheAnxiety.Clinic has successfully worked with senior executives, owner-entrepreneurs, sales groups and professionals in a broad range of sectors, facilitating opportunities and change that improve relationships, businesses and bottom lines.
* Registered Trademark Personality Resources International 2011

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