Mindfulness Coaching & Therapy
Mindfulness Training:
Psychotherapy & Coaching
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is both a science and an art. It goes by many names and has many different purposes. In its various forms, it can be called meditation, prayer, self-hypnosis, or even mind control! And within the different ways of categorizing it, there are many different purposes, and therein many different methods and techniques. There is a wealth of scientific research attesting to its formidable outcomes.
What is the purpose of Mindfulness training?
What is true about most forms of mindfulness is that it trains you to manage your thoughts. I often like to call Mindfulness ‘Thought Management.’ Thought management not only helps you be in charge of your thoughts and therefore what you focus on and spend time thinking about, but it also helps you manage your feelings. Powerfully, it can craft your personal character and the way you live to reflect the best of who you know you can be.
Is there a key to a successful mindfulness practice?
The keys to change how we think are found in the science of neuroplasticity. ANYTHING we do with Intention, Repetition and Reward, becomes a learned behaviour and even a habit. Meditation can be the intentional practise that rewards you with many different outcomes: sleep, focus, emotional regulation, and lower anxiety. Many mindfulness techniques can shift your character and responses to the world teaching you greater compassion, kindness, empathy, and a gentler heart.
One very powerful technique is called ‘Focal Point Meditation (FPM).’ This technique trains your brain to be able to quickly notice thoughts, and let them go if they do not serve you.
Do you get stuck in those worry loops and does your brain head down rabbit holes that only get you more upset and more stressed? Imagine if you knew how to change the first thought that started you off down that path? If you could manage that thought, you could avoid all that suffering! You can watch a short video on FPM here.
What is the best way to learn Mindfulness?
Mindfulness training as a skill is best taught in a format that your unique brain is eager to embrace. We are all wired differently. As a psychotherapist, I share this training in a unique and intentional manner with each of my clients. In addition, I give you a broad range of practical tools and skills that have created happy lives for hundreds of people much like you. A unique multifaceted approach and customized techniques have helped so many people feel better and live stress-free.
It is time to live the life of your choosing? Haven’t you waited long enough?
I’m Todd Kaufman Mindfulness Practitioner, Registered Psychotherapist and Executive Coach. Let’s talk now.
The Right Therapist For The Job
Having a therapist/coach who practices what they teach is critical. I have been practising Mindfulness Meditation for years.
The Right Tools For The Job
I know it sometimes takes more than just Mindfulness Meditation to make changes. That is why we do some very unique and powerful additional training to be able to give you both the skills and tools to help you live the life of your choosing – Mindfulness Meditation, EFT, EMDR, CBT and more. I have even developed the Anxiety Release Protocol (ARP) that is now used by therapists all across Canada. You are assured of getting the kind of help best suited to your goals, needs and preferences.
Covered By Most Insurance Plans
I’m registered with the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) and fees are covered by most insurance plans. Check with your insurance provider if they cover ‘psychotherapy.’

About TheAnxiety.Clinic
I am Todd Kaufman a Registered Psychotherapist and I love what I do. I never stop learning and researching how to help you become better and stronger. I created TheAnxiety.Clinic because I knew so many of us suffered from anxiety, if not alone, as part of our mental health challenges
I embrace a large range of techniques because I know that it takes different approaches to get results for different people. I know you are unique – so I provide unique, powerful and proven solutions. I have developed the Anxiety Release Protocol which has helped thousands of people find relief.
I have been providing online therapy for years helping people with many differing challenges. Research has shown that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person, although I know we all miss that in-person connection.
Still need more information? Call us at 1-800-699-3396.

Ready to Live a Life That Is
Balanced, Joyful and Happy?
NOW is the Time.
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On the Campus of
The University of Toronto
47 Queens Park East, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C3