To both my current and prospective clients and patients:
I understand that many of us are very concerned about both contracting and or spreading this new virus. Best advice includes good hygiene and social distancing. It is very important to understand that ‘social distancing’ refers to physical distancing, not social isolation!
I recognize that you take your mental health as seriously as you do your physical health. For this reason, we remain open and in full support of our clients and patients.

1. Online appointments
All appointments are now on-line BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT VIRTUALLY.
We will meet online in a secure and confidential room. You only need a smartphone or computer that has access to a good internet connection. When you book, we will email you the full details of how and where to meet me.
2. In-Person Appointments
Are currently only available to schedule by phone. Public Health has asked us all to socially distance ourselves to prevent catching and spreading the virus. I recognize there are critical times in-person visits are necessary. I continue to see my institutionalized clients where permitted. If you feel you need an in-person appointment please call 1-800-699-3396
3. You may change your online appointment to a virtual appointment at any time.
If your in-person appointment is over 24 hours out, go online using the link in your confirmation email, cancel your appointment, then re-book immediately using the ‘VIRUTAL APPOINTMENT’ link.
If your in person appointment is less then 24 hours out, send an email to Todd@TheAnxiety.Clinic giving us the date and time of the appointment you wish to be changed to virtual, and we will do it for you. We will respond to these requests within 3 hours – usually less
4. Our In-Person Precautions
- Wash your hands upon arrival and when leaving our meeting.
- Hand sanitizer when available is a second choice option. Use it liberally and thoroughly. Hand sanitizer is not a substitute for handwashing!
- As a temporary precaution, we will no longer be shaking hands or making and physical contact. Feel free to nod, express your feelings verbally, or for the inspired among you, interpretive dance! 😉
- I know many of us are huggers! Sadly, you will have to store these hugs until this pandemic is passed. In the meantime, know there are lots of virtual hugs coming your way.
This pandemic will pass. Our best response is to comply with the directions lead by our medical health professionals and Public Health Canada.
Warm Regards,
Todd Kaufman BA, BFA, MDiv, RP