Facebook Anxiety Clinic

Getting Meditation Right

Getting Meditation Right By >> Blogs “I want to get meditating right,” I was told by a friend who is eagerly embracing meditating and the somewhat miraculous outcomes it can provide. I’ve been meditating for years and have found meditation incredibly...

How to Cure Anxiety…Surprise!

How to Cure Anxiety…Surprise! By Comments I ended having panic attacks decades ago and since then I’ve helped thousands of people manage anxiety and end panic attacks. Ultimately, I developed a protocol called the Anxiety Rele ase Protocol (ARP) that quite...

Taste Buds Lost and Found – The geeky science

Taste Buds Lost and Found – The geeky science By Comments In 2016 I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer and was treated with a very aggressive 30 rounds of radiation to my head and neck plus chemotherapy. It’s almost 3 years later now and the good news is that it seems...