Counselling and Therapy Toronto
No two people are alike – you are unique. I do not provide a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Todd is trained in a multiple of techniques and approaches to address and awaken solutions that WORK Conselling and Therapyfor YOU – Quickly and Effectively!
Anxiety Treatment in Toronto & Online
Coping with stress in its most severe circumstances can mean managing or learning to eliminate panic attacks, also know as anxiety attacks. There are a series of both psychological and physiological events which lead up to that dreaded feeling we experience in a full fledged attack. Although medications to manage such attacks are both available and work for some, others prefer to seek natural anxiety relief through various modalities.
Psychotherapy OHIP & Insurance
Your mental health is directly connected to you physically health.
Stress, depression, anxiety and other issues have a direct relation to illness.
Although this fact is scientifically proven, the Ontario Health Insurance Program (OHIP) does not provide insurance for psychotherapists and most forms of psychological therapy.
Depression Hurts
Clinical depression is a disease – or a dis-ease, it strives to make you ‘uneasy.’ A powerful metaphor for depression is to consider the disease as a team of engineers, whose primary purpose is to tear down bridges, not build them. The bridges that depression seeks to destroy are those bridges, or pathways in your brain that link the feelings of pleasure to your life experiences with people, place and events. In real life – depression hurts. Before it controls your life completely it is critical you find a way to deal with depression.
Pre-marriage Counselling
Couples frequently say to me, “If we needed pre marriage counseling or communication skills training, we wouldn’t be getting married!” I certainly understand the sentiment, and indeed if your relationship was not going well and your heart full of love then you should not be getting married!
Why should we consider these sessions?
Mindfulness Therapy Changes Your Brain
Mindfulness therapy is simply the therapeutic use of a type of meditation called mindfulness that is designed to calm your mind – and now using brain scan technology we see concrete proof it can actually change your mind! In fact it can reduce depression, pain, stress, and even make people less self-centered.
Why Counselling Works – Psychotherapy
One of the first questions I always receive, particularly from skeptics and those who have never sought any form of mentoring, coaching, or counseling before, ask: “What is it that you do that actually seems to work, and have made such a profound change in my friend’s life?”
Training for Therapists
Workshops for: Therapists, Counsellors and Coaches Emotional Intelligence as a Therapeutic Tool (Certifying Course, Level One for PRI Trainer Certification) Course Code: EI-1/2 This two-day program does double duty for therapists, counsellors and coaches! This...
Wedding Photo Gallery
Wedding Photo Gallery Photo by
Ceremonies | Weddings
Weddings | Baptisms | End of Life Celebrations | Life & Gender Transition Ceremonies Todd who lives in Toronto and Blue Mountains is experienced in officiating ceremonies of many types and will invest great care in ensuring your ceremony is a unique and memorable...
Customized designed workshops.
Uniquely delivered to meet your goals and objectives.
(Client Satisfaction, Employee Retention, Leadership Development)
Supportive integration with existing programs.
Cost effective with Train the Trainer modules.