Rumble Strips – Habits and Addictions
Sometimes life hurts. And pain is not something most of us enjoy, and in particular, pain is something that your brain is programmed to avoid.
When life frustrates us or causes us pain, it is frequently obvious as to its source. There are also times when our subconscious becomes frustrated and hurt. On both counts our brain moves to protect us by either fighting back, or avoidance. This is our primal “fear or flight” programming.
What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis in a clinical setting to help clients overcome challenges in their lives. It is often used to help overcome smoking, nail biting, and other such habits. It can also be an integral part of a psychotherapeutic plan to help someone guide his or her life towards a satisfying and happy experience. A skilled practitioner can include hypnotherapy as part of a treatment plan to help you overcome more complex issues such as depression, addictions, and other behavior that is not helping you live a healthy and productive life.
Tapping – Powerful Psychological Tool
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping, is a one of many psychological tools that can be used in proactive and progressive counselling and psychotherapy.
Tapping integrates Western medicines new found understanding of neurological development and patterning, with Eastern medicines understanding of energy and the meridians in the body by which this energy travels.
The New Science of Counselling – Counselling Toronto
A fascinating look at the new science of why counselling and psychotherapy can really change your life…
Stress in the City
There are ups and downs to living in a city. One downfall is certainly stress. Find out how you can relieve stress and stop living with stress in the city…
Tools For Happiness
In the last decade there have been dozens of studies around happiness. What is happiness? How was it created? How can we sustain happiness? These have been the proposals of academic studies, PhD thesis’, and the main thrust of inquiry for institutions such as the Dalai Lama’s ‘Mind Life Institute.’
Less academic, but often as if not more interesting, are the number of videos on YouTube and elsewhere that talk about happiness.
Parenting Your Brain
We have all done and things that we know are not in our best interest. “I just couldn’t help myself,” is a worn plea I frequently hear from new clients. They come to me with stories of regret, stories or frustration, stories of stories gone badly, and stories of behavior that brought them pain. Broken relationships, lost jobs, panic attacks, slides back into the addiction – and so these circles of life seem to eternally repeat for those who have not learned the skills necessary to be the master of their choices.
A Practical Approach to Recovering From Depression
‘The Emotional Guidance Scale’
Depression can be a powerful and disabling disease. Not unlike a virus it can seek to destroy its host through slowly disassembling every belief and experience you have ever had that supported you. In previous articles I have likened depression to a corps of engineers who are dedicated to destroying your bridges to happiness. Depression can lead to the loss of work, friends, family, and ultimately lead to death if not treated.
The Power of Virtual Counselling
With the launch of TheAnxiety.Clinic’s new website, we are proud to introduce our Virtual Counselling Services. Virtual Counselling will be available in three ways: video counselling online, telephone counselling, and email counselling.
virtual consellingEach of these forms of counselling have been around for many years, and there is substantial research that shows they can be highly effective for certain specific needs.
New Year’s Resolutions – How to Make Them Stick!
It is that time a year again when many of us are inspired to create a new start and to undertake new and worthwhile endeavors: To get healthier, eat better, lose weight, get back to the gym… All wonderful goals and resolutions that far too often fail.
The Perfect Christmas Gift
For many of us it has become customary during the month of December to celebrate our holiday season, and religious events such as Christmas and Hanukkah, by the giving of gifts. This is a wonderful opportunity to show others how much we appreciate and care for their presence in our lives, the love which they have offered, or the services which they provide. We buy gifts for our family and friends, often for coworkers, and other service providers such as the postman, cleaners, or building superintendents. The reality of this tradition is that it can be both costly and stressful. As a result for many, “the perfect Christmas gift” becomes less than perfect due to the challenges and stress that are a result of finding and paying for that gift.
With Christmas just around the corner the pressure is on to get organized for the holidays. For many that can be a whirlwind of family commitments, shopping for presents, decorating your home, and a slew of other demands. For many this season brings back memories of lost ones. In between he stress of a demanding season, and the everyday pressures of life which seem magnified in the face of a world that’s demanding you be “merry,” – Christmas for many is not always a joyous time of year.